Interested in learning more about Anton Rotary Club.

We have a number of options regarding membership, for more information check out the 'Rotary' page on the website.

Alternatively call our Secretary on 07714 447849 or email

Anton Rotary Club 2024

Welcome to the Anton Rotary Club website. Our site shows
details of future events while our Blog details our past
Fundraising and Event activities.

The Rotary page details the ethos of the Rotary organisation world-wide and offers the opportunity to learn more about the club and its activities in the Andover area.

Rotary is the largest international organisation dedicated to the relief and eradification of hardship throughout the world. Our major involvement with other agencies has practically cleared the world of Polio and ensured a polio free life for hundreds of thousands of children. Locally we have supported many other local charities including major donations to the Andover Food Bank, during and since the Covid pandemic. We have also supported the special and primary schools in the Andover area.

This is only possible thanks to the efforts of our members,the following images indicate some of the events including fundraising, community support and social times during a typical year.

2024/25 Anton Rotary events and activities

2024 Metal Detecting Weekend at Clanville.
14th & 15th September
Annual Duck Race on the River Test at Town Mill Country Park - 26th May 2025
Club Skittle Evening
Charity Concert
Club Christmas Party
Assisting at Andover Cycletron

Christmas charity collection

Disaster appeals

During July 2024, One Week of Canal Boat Outings on the Kennet and Avon Canal.
, 3 Special Schools, One group from a Woman's Crisis Centre and also a social day out with partners for club members.
Special schools included kids with physical and mental difficulties and included 2 Wheelchair bound kids.

The club would like to thank the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust and their volunteer members for assisting in making this week a great success.

As well as these major events, groups of members also arrange specific outings to items of special interest such as Opera, Theatre and Sports events including cricket at the Southampton Utitita Bowl and Footgolf at The Hampshire Golf Club.
We have also worked with other Rotary Clubs in the local district to help support their events.

This shows the range of events and activities we are involved in, we are always looking for like minded volunteers to join our happy band. We meet most Thursdays at The Oak at Smannel at 7.30pm.

If you are interested in learning more about Rotary or coming along to one of our meetings please email Graham our Secretary at